Saturday, January 30, 2010

The No.1 Sin in Blogging

We all commit sins when blogging.

Some of us write too long paragraphs, some of us forget to respond to comments, etc.

For me, the no.1 sin in blogging is checking my adsense earnings day in day out.

I have been doing it religiously for the past few months as I am amazed at how much my earnings have increased over the years simply by blogging original and creative content.

But then I realised that I am wasting TOO MUCH of my precious time checking this information. Afterall, how much money can one truly earn in adsense when he is just starting out?

If I had put to good use all the time that I had spent checking my adsense earnings, I could easily put up one additional posting on my blog.

I need to rid myself of the bad habit.

What is your No. 1 Blogging Sin?

Motivational Video - Millionaire Mind

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Over 1000 Page Impressions (New Record)

On 25 Jan 2010, Monday...........I received my record page impressions!

The total page impressions for that day was 1031. Adsense earnings however was less than $3 for that day.

This only spurs me on to try to hit that 3000 page impressions target that I have set for myself this year.

Hopefully I will be able to achieve another record page impression for the month of February.

The trick I realised was to blog regularly at 2 of my most visited blogs. This helped to draw a constant stream of visitors I guess. January 2010 will indeed be a spectacular month in terms of page impressions, adsense earnings and stuff.

Getting geared up for February already.

I need to further improve in the following areas:

1. Expand this blog to include Adsense and blogging tips. (Not so much about adsense but more about blogging I guess) Afterall, there is only so much you can learn about adsense. Blogging is the key to driving traffic to your site and the traffic will do the job.

2. Increase my postings at improve the content of my posts.

3. Advertise my blogs further.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Pledge for 2010: $100 per day in Adsense Earnings

I originally hoped to increase my adsense earnings to $10 per day for this year.

However, after viewing some motivational video, I have decided to add a zero behind the original figure. That is $100 per day.

I can do a lot with $100 per day in online income. The deal is this. To earn 10 times the amount, I have to HELP 10 times the amount of people I am currently helping.

If anyone is reading this, please give me some suggestions or questions that you might have on adsense and I hope to be able to answer your queries while sharing from my own personal experience.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Record Earnings for January 2010

The New Year has definitely been a record month.

I am pretty sure that my January earnings will prove to be a record earning month for me once again.

I have focused my blogging efforts on 2 main blogs and have accumulated a nice amount of traffic to both sites.

I will update my January earnings once the month ends.

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Will Be A Good Year for Adsense Earnings

It seems that with the economy recovering, advertisers will be more willing to spend money on Pay Per Click advertisements.

This will impact everybody's adsense earnings as we will most probably get higher payouts per click.

With the positive mood of the current markets right now, monetising your blogs using various PPC adverts makes sense as one will see the increase in earnings for this year compared to last year.

The year 2009 was most probably a tough year as businesses cut back on online advertisement spending.

The year 2010 will most probably be a bumper record year for online earnings.

I have already seen a 100% increase in my earnings for the moonth of Jan 2010 alone and expect the figures to continue rising.

2010 will indeed be a good year for adsense earnings.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another New Record

I hit another new record in page impressions today.

Total number of page impressions are 874 for the day.

This is totally amazing!

It seems like my visitor count just keeps increasing day after day.

I wonder when I will be able to hit the 1000 mark

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Record Page Impressions

Yesterday, I recorded the highest page impressions ever of 786.

I reckon that if my page impressions are able to hit 3000 per day, I will be able to earn $10 daily from adsense.

That is my estimate so I guess I have to work a lot harder to do so.

What I did was actually quite simple..

I posted 3 to 4 times in the day for two of my most popular sites. Together, they gave me the bulk of the page impressions.

I hope that this is not a one off event =)


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