Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Adsense Earnings for 2009

I believe that 2009 was a very difficult year for everybody with regards to Adsense Earnings.

For me, I noticed a drop in adsense earnings but this slowly picked up as the economic recovery took place. In fact, I recorded RECORD earnings (pun not intended) for various months in 2009.

In terms of earning goals, I have put that at the backseat as I try to deliver more high quality content to readers. I realised that readers are drawn to quality content at the end of the day. As much as I do have earning goals, the time and effort required to execute my plans made me decide to take my goals a little more lightly this year.

My earnings from adsense in 2009 was $254.54. Not a lot and could have been much better if you ask me.

The revenue source was mainly from two sites that I own and have been posting regularly at.

I am certain that 2010 will be a record year for me and based on current estimates, I could easily hit the $500 mark if I were to continue with my current way of doing things.

Yet, I want to improve upon my earnings and hope that this year will be a much better year for me.

What are your adsense earnings for 2009?

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