A lot of people or internet marketers out there have been touting that they have been earning ridiculously high amounts of money from adsense. Many of them even give you a screenshot of their adsense earnings page to PROVE to you that they are the real deal.
These adsense screenshots are easily faked and could be done in a matter of 5 minutes. Whenever you see a screenshot that shows you the amount a person has been earning from adsense, it is most probably faked. The reason is that most people who are earning good money from adsense will know that it is against Google's Term of Service (TOS in short) to display the statistics of their earnings.
Furthermore, for those of us who know how to calculate the various variables in the adsense earnings page, the figures just do not make sense and do not add up. Of course there are those who are still able to compute these figures correctly and put up an adsense earning page that looks "correct".
Fake adsense screenshots are too common and it is good that people are aware of such scams that go around.
There is no magic or tricks to learn from improving your adsense earnings. Nothing really fantastic other than pure hard work. There are of course wonderful tips to help you but this should never cost you an arm and a leg.
In fact, the tips on this site should suffice to help you improve your adsense earnings.
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