The truth about blogging
There are days when I run dry. And then there are days I have like a thousand articles I would like to write about.
To me, blogging is just a fun way to express my thoughts (or sometimes even rant at life itself).
But the truth about blogging is that it is fun for me. And that is the most important aspect. If I were doing it for the money, it is seriously not worth my time as I could easily earn much more money by investing my time and energies on other things that will pay me a better per hour rate compared to blogging.
What Do I Do with My Earnings?
There was once I gave away $50 to my readers by just holding a silly contest to see who post the 50th comment on a certain post. Most times, I just bank in the money. I don't really buy anything special. It is not a lot of money in the first place.
The Future of Blogging
Will Google go bankrupt? Will blogging still be around 50 years from now? Will blogger still be operating then? Will all my efforts go down the drain? What differentiates me from other bloggers? How do I reach out to China since blogger is blocked by their censorship board? What about India? How do I reach out to a global audience?
These are the questions that fill my head.
Our world is shrinking, but our blogs shouldn't be.
Congrats on your $1000! I made $26 in my first month with adsense so far.
Earning money from Adsense is a great way to get a little bit of pocket money whilst doing something you love... blogging.
Well done on your earnings and hopefully you have kept this going.
Thanks all for the encouragement and support. I hope to make this site even better. Do visit it and drop your comments whenever you feel like it.
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